Forgiving & Forgetting:

(How Early Trauma Denies Us Both)

The holidays are definitely one of those times in the year when your head and heart take you back to the early 1960’s, to the very beginning of your very first memories of Detroit.

But before I head back to Vernor Highway, 25th Street and West Grand Boulevard, the byways and side streets of my early childhood, let me root you right here into the present.

Me and my sister, Chula

Here’s how it went down:

Just a few nights ago, my oldest sister, Chula, and I made good on our plans to finally meet up and raise a glass to the latest family lore and gossip.

It was time.



Ruben Mauricio

My dreams persist, therfore I ponder: writing my first opera, !Respiro!, finding lost relatives in Warsaw,opening my Mexican-Polish bakery in Detroit.