Hey Benj !
If you’re going to tackle the topic:
“Men & the Post-Blow Conundrum,” be sure to pose the following questions:
“Do you prefer the taste & texture of :
1) your pre-cum ( pre-orgasmic)
2) your ejaculate ( post-orgasmic)
3) Both, but prefer your pre-cum because it’s less messy: less viscous, and sweeter
4) Both: but I prefer my thick, post-orgasmic juice because it’s ALL me, All male, ALL alpha
5) Neither: I just blow ‘n’ go
6) I only like it when she squeezes my cock and gently presses my opaque pre-cum on her fingers and lightly brushes them across my lips , then inserts her fingers in herself and moans in a delicate whisper
7) You gotta be out of your fucking mind for even asking me these questions !!!